Health & Safety Policies

General Policy

As your employer we have to provide a written Health and Safety General Policy. This policy reflects the legal requirements to be fulfilled on Health and Safety. This section outline the format from which our Health and Safety statement of intent emanates. To ensure we attain a high standard of Health and Safety within the company, the Health and Safety General Policy has been collated identifying key aspects which we seek to attain and is outlined below.

JDSA Security Pvt. Ltd. believes that one of its most important functions is the prevention of accidents and ill health. We do not wish any of our employees or any other person to suffer as the result of our activities or work processes. To this end, we intend to comply rigorously with all Health and Safety legislation, Codes of Practice, best guidance and work methods available. The Health and Safety policy and manuals we have prepared indicate the ways in which we intend to meet with legal requirement. Legislation requires that, as an employer , we prepare a statement of General Policy with respect to the Health and Safety of our employees, together with details of the organisation and arrangement that we have set up to carry out that policy.

  • Therefore, we provide, so far is reasonably practicable.
  • A safe system of work.
  • Safe plant and equipment.
  • Safe means of handling and transporting articles, substances and people
  • Adequate training, instruction, information and supervision
  • A safe place of work with safe access and egress.
  • A safe and healthy environment.
  • Adequate welfare facilities.

we also ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the way we carry out our work does not affect the Health and Safety of persons who are not our employees, for example visitor and contractors.

it is also recognised that where we produce articles and substances for use at work or we erect or install any plant or equipment, we have a duty to ensure the Health and Safety or those who use them and make available all the required information for their Health and Safety.

We remind you, our employees, of your duty to look after your own Health and Safety and ensure that you do not endanger others and that you must co-operate with us, as your employer, in meeting our legal obligations.